Caring for Those Who Served Our Nation
We Honor Veterans
As a VA provider, we are privileged to care for our nation’s heroes. Our organization is contracted with the VA to ensure that both agencies are successfully collaborating in order to provide the best possible care for veteran patients from both the VA and VNAcare.
VNAcare staff educates veterans on funeral benefits and offers support to veterans to navigate the VA system and maximize their benefits. Our staff is also able to help place VA patients in long-term skilled nursing facilities when needed.

We also partner with the We Honor Veterans program. We Honor Veterans is a national hospice provider awareness campaign conducted by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veterans Affairs. This program is designed to help improve the care Veterans receive from hospice and palliative care providers. The resources of We Honor Veterans focus on respectful inquiry, compassionate listening, and grateful acknowledgment, coupled with veteran-centric education of staff caring for Veterans and their families facing a life-limiting illness. Ultimately, the goal of collaborating with the We Honor Veterans program is to honor Veterans’ preferences at the end of life. Learn more about We Honor Veterans
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Contact us for more information about VNAcare’s commitment to providing excellent care to veterans and their families